Quantum Soul Remembrance Sessions

What if you could tap into and embody a specific quality/talent/gift from one of your other life experiences that would assist you today? What if you could be a more authentic expression of YOU? What would your life look like/ be like as a result?
Within us we have the memory of a myriad of experiences and skills just waiting to be accessed and brought forth into this current life expression. Our souls have had a multitude of incarnations and all of that information is recorded and stored. The wisdom, abilities and knowledge from those life expressions are available for us to draw upon and use today. In these 2:1 sessions, you will discover (and recover) these treasures from your Akash so that you can experience a deeper level of soul remembered wholeness in this embodiment.
These signature sessions are a whole new paradigm of energy and self-discovery work. They are unique, profound, powerful, and transformative! We invite you to let us guide you to the magic and magnificence that already resides within you so that you can live it now! Just imagine the possibilities!!