jeni miller
Jeni Miller, Alchemist

“If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.”
—Nikola Tesla
The alchemist in medieval times was believed to have the ability to transmute lead into gold. In my work with individuals and groups, I assist you to discover the limitations (lead) that are creating challenges and misalignment with your fullest potential. And then transmute those blocks so that you experience a life filled with your heart’s desires, joy and peace (gold)!
Years ago, I left a very successful corporate career and the safety it provided, to jump into the unknown. At that time, I wasn’t sure what was calling me forth, but I knew there was a soul yearning that wanted to be expressed. Since taking that leap of faith, I have been on an amazing journey of self-exploration and discovery. I have honed my gifts as an energy intuitive, mentor and mind-body-spirit practitioner. My life today is completely different in a very rich and fulfilling way.
It is my passion to share what I’ve learned about energy, frequency and vibration and to empower you to create a life you love by accessing and embodying your authentic self, your soul’s expression, and the golden magnificence you truly are!